Your Love Is Worth Everything

Can we just stop.

Stop putting our love, the thing that lights us and lifts us up, as a last priority.

Can we stop making excuses for why everything else comes first; why every other responsibility is more important.

Can we stop pretending that our time and money is better spent elsewhere.

Just stop.

And ask yourself where you would be and how you would feel without love in your life.

Without the person that makes everything in your life big, bold, and beautiful.

Without the person who you know, better than anybody else, the exact ways to make them smile. And cry. And laugh. And yell. And heal. And grow.

What can possibly be more important than choosing your love, every day.


Nothing is more important.

We all know that. So it’s time we start showing it a little better.

It’s time we put the effort into all the small moments.

It’s time we realize that the small moments are the only moments that matter.

It’s time we get intentional with our love.

When we want to learn a new skill, we study.

When we want to improve, we practice.

Love is no different.

No one is born an expert in doing the hard, messy, complicated work of love.

The only way we get better at doing love is by studying and practicing.

We are all students of love, but most of us are failing right now.

Because we stopped doing our homework. We stopped going to class. We stopped showing up.

So let this be a reminder to all of us that love needs us to show up – every damn day.

The days you never want to forget and the days you try to forget.

Love needs us just the same, every day.

Don’t assume you know everything about how to love. Keep learning, keep trying.

Because if we don’t put the work in now, we may never get the chance.

Love only lasts forever when it’s tended to.

Spend the time. Do the work. Be present in your love, always.

Dr. Jennelle ❤︎
