My Pride

For all of my childhood I was surrounded by gay framily, the closest friends to my parents that were some of my very favorite people in the world. By the age of 13 I had a very open mind around sexual orientation, realizing that I cared much more about having interpersonal intimacy that I ever did about gender. When I was 16 I helped form and lead the (very small) GSA in our high school. And I’ve always considered myself an incredibly connected ally, knowing that being involved with the “Rainbow Community” is where I feel most at home.

And then one day (May 26, 2012 to be exact), just like that – I was no longer an ally.

It’s much easier now for people to assume they understand so much about me because I am part of the Rainbow Community too. But they’re missing a big piece of my puzzle.

My mission and my fight for equal rights has always been about letting love win and proving that love is stronger than fear.

And I have always had pride.

Love is scary as hell all on it’s own, loving out loud is even scarier.

And now our beautifully, multi-lettered community has a nationally recognized month to celebrate love in the loudest, most colorful way.

And that month ends today.

So what do we do for the next 11 months of the year?
We lead with love, every damn day.

You don’t have to be in a same-sex relationship to understand that it’s all the same love – because it doesn’t matter where the love comes from or what it looks like, it just matters that it’s there ❤︎

Happy Pride from my end of the rainbow to yours Xx
